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Lottocracy_Poster_(P)_FINAL POSTER_JPEG


Thursday Oct 13 | 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Must democracy involve elections? Election is a time-honored, but arguably deeply flawed part of all modern democracies. But what if representatives were chosen randomly–by lottery? Is this still democracy, and of a less elitist kind? In this lecture we will compare the merits of the method of election to those of a carefully designed system of “lottocracy.” The lecture has two main aims. The first is to present a case against what is the heart of almost every modern political system: the use of elections to choose political representatives. The second is to move past what we might call the “Churchillian shrug” (‘the worst form of government, except for all the others…’) by introducing and defending lottocracy, a new kind of political system with a very different heart: a system that uses random selection, rather than elections, to select political representatives. Lottocracy may have the upper hand.

Shaddock Auditorium

Shaddock Auditorium
2900 Lubbock Ave
Fort Worth, TX 76109

About Philosophy Department

The Original Academic Discipline Philosophy is the original academic discipline–the first and most basic. It deals primarily with the notions of meaning, knowledge, truth and goodness. It’s grounded in a literature spread over the last 2500 years. To study philosophy is to think and discuss in logical ways such general concepts, the basis of all critical inquiry. It involves learning to construct, defend and criticize alternative positions on the most fundamental issues that human beings have continued to think about over that time. Through this practice students also come to understand the grounds and merit of positions on narrower issues of all sorts, as well as the implications of their assumptions about value and meaning in their own lives.

Questions about this event?

Melissa Payton


Phone: 4377