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Hygiene Drive

Tuesday Mar 26 - Apr 20 | 11:30 am - 11:45 pm

“We want to provide basic hygiene, undergarments, and resources for at-risk youth who are unable to afford them. Sometimes at-risk youth might feel too embarrassed about their financial status and we want to create a safe space for them to have the resources they need. Kids should never have to feel embarrassed about needing basic necessities and we think with this project we can help even if its a small position of that % of youth. (These items will be going to Title I schools in Fort Worth)”



About College of Science and Engineering

Hygiene Drive
The mission of the College of Science & Engineering is to foster knowledge of and curiosity about science, mathematics, and engineering by offering personalized, rigorous instruction that emphasizes research and internship opportunities.

Questions about this event?

Amanda Rucker


Phone: 3108631590