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Red and Blue Ice Cream French Poster

National Crêpe Day with Ensemble en Français

Friday Feb 7 | 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Come make crêpes with Ensemble en Français!

Center for Languages and Cultures

Center for Languages and Cultures

About Ensemble en Francais

National Crêpe Day with Ensemble en Français
This organization promotes the linguistic and cultural exploration of the more than 50 countries around the world where French is spoken, including the United States. Through campus and community service activities, ENSEMBLE EN FRANÇAIS connects to students, staff, and faculty on campus as well as to key groups in the community, primarily kids, and offers meaningful programs to increase awareness of the culture and language of France and other Francophone countries but also to demonstrate the value of learning French in today's global society. In addition, ENSEMBLE engages in fund raising efforts for DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS. New students with a genuine interest in the French speaking world and/or who are taking French at TCU or have learned it elsewhere can join the organization and get involved in its operation. An election of new officers is conducted at the end of every spring.