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Cinnamon Rolls Not Gender Roles

Tuesday Sep 4 | 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Join us and share not only delicious cinnamon rolls but your thoughts, worries, feelings about the gender roles that exist in today’s world! We will have meaningful conversations while we sit together as friends and share the ROLLS that matter.

BLUU Auditorium

BLUU Auditorium
2901 Stadium Dr
Fort Worth, TX 76129

About Students Acting for Gender Equity

Cinnamon Rolls Not Gender Roles
The purpose of this organization is to raise awareness for gender equity on the TCU campus and in the Fort Worth community, empower women, provide a community of likeminded individuals, and promote gender justice activism. This organization is rooted in intersectional feminist values and principles, and will work toward creating a more just campus climate for all people regardless of gender.