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BSM Journey: In Christ, Finding Your Identity in Him

Thursday Feb 6 | 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Study verse by verse through Ephesians on Thursday Nights at 7:00 PM in the KFC!

King Family Commons

King Family Commons
3608 Pond Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76129

About Baptist Student Ministry

BSM Journey: In Christ, Finding Your Identity in Him
BSM (Baptist Student Ministry) is an active student organization on the TCU campus. Its mission is to love God, serve campus, and reach the world. For many students, BSM becomes that "home away from home," a place to meet great friends and be challenged to live and share Christ during their college years. BSM is a student-led organization that offers many different types of involvement. BSM gets to be an extension of the local church onto campus to see students equipped to serve God for the rest of their life!